Contact & Imprint

All pages on *, *, *, * and * are part of the personal website of

Markus Flechtner
Sudermannstrasse 2b
40721 Hilden

All content is (c) by Markus Flechtner.

Content is provided “as-is” without guarantee or warranty that it works – if you find an article or a script useful, test first! If you find any errors, please send me an email.

Please see the
German “Impressum” for more information on data protection, the use of the web analysis tool Piwik counting access for “VG Wort” using tracking pixels and other legal stuff.

The links marked with Amazon Partner Links are socalled affiliate links. If a purchase is made via such a link, I will be involved with a Commission. There are no additional costs for you. Where, when and how you buy a product is of course left to you.